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There is so much more to your story than just  trauma,

you deserve a healing journey that reflects that...

I am SO HAPPY that you are here!


When I was working through my trauma I went to therapy (therapy is amazing!), I read books about healing from trauma, and I was fully committed to self-work. But so many of the healing tools I tried focused ONLY on the trauma. I felt like I was constantly being asked to relive and retell my story over and over again. Looking back was no longer helping me. I needed something new.


I needed a NEW conversation about trauma, one that focused on how to move FORWARD from my experiences.

I needed a conversation that included all the other parts of myself that had nothing to do with the trauma - the parts of me that laughed with my friends, cried during Subaru commercials, and drew too much attention to myself on the dance floor at weddings (debatably). I wanted to be able to dive into the depths of my experiences, my soul, my emotions, and who I truly was, all while also being lighthearted and playful. So where the heck do we find that? 


You found it! It's this program! My soul-mission for this program is to start the conversation I always needed and that I know all trauma survivors are craving. Every tool in this program was developed when I was in the DEPTHS of my healing journey (so gurl, they work!). During this program, I will help you dive into your own depths, heal wounds that seemed unsurmountable, get to know yourself truly and deeply, all without the fear and heaviness that most trauma-healing resources seem to be surrounded by.

If you’ve found this page, there is a part of you that knows that truly accepting and loving every part of your experience and who you are is the key to moving beyond trauma. A part of you also knows that you already have all the tools you need to heal within you - you just need a little guidance as to how to access those tools. I'd love to help guide you. 


This Trauma Healing Program is designed to help you

connect with the parts of yourself you thought were lost after trauma so that you can truly release the past, move forward and #LiveYourBestLife


  Have you:

  • already started your healing journey and are looking to dive a little deeper?

  • done internal work to recover from your trauma?

  • worked with a professional therapist, counselor, or doctor and are looking for additional ways to move forward?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a perfect candidate for my

Trauma Healing Program. Take the next step on your healing journey today!

Your Healing Journey Starts Here:

Studying at Home

Section 1:

Meet Your Foundational Healing Tools

We’ll start by discovering your healing archetype - the role you step into when you embark on healing - so that you can become a witness to your experiences instead of feeling like you’re being sucked into or consumed by them. Next, we’ll design your “Me Space,” which allows you to create both a mental and physical space you can return to along your journey to feel held, safe, and cozy. We’ll also create a “Save For Later Box.” It can be super fun to heal, grow, and process, but it is not fun to feel like you can’t shut off everything that came up during that healing, growing, and processing. Your Save For Later Box is a great way to temporarily store everything you’ve processed, so that you can move on with your day and come back to processing at a later time.  

Open Hands

Section 4:

Discover Safety

Within You

You weren’t able to physically protect yourself from the trauma you experienced. Not having the resources you needed to protect yourself from trauma is terrifying and can contribute to the very lasting bullshit belief: “I cannot protect myself.” For years, I held a deep belief that “I am not safe.” So, I started looking for safety outside of myself. This week, you are going to discover where you’ve been looking for safety. Then, you are going to discover that deep sense of safety, protection, and security that you have been longing for within yourself through self-soothing techniques, learning to re-parent yourself, checking in with your little kid selves and adult self daily. You’ll end the week by meeting your protective self through a POWERFUL guided meditation that will help you connect with the fiercely loving protector within you.

Love Yourself

Section 7:

Find Radical

Self-Acceptance Through Shadow Work

We hear the term "self-love" frequently. But self-acceptance is actually the most important, yet often overlooked, component of true self-love. If you don’t accept every part of yourself, even the darkest parts that are difficult to look at, you’re never going to be able to fully love yourself. This week, you are going to learn to shed light on your shadows so that you’re able to witness them as the simple traits that they are instead of being consumed by fear or insecurities surrounding them. You will meet your shadows, identify where they came from, accept them, and then release the burdens you’ve been carrying (often without even realizing it) because of them. Sound liberating? You bet it is!


Section 10:


Your Sensuality

Reconnecting with my sensuality as a woman has been one of the most significant parts of my healing journey. 


After doing so much healing work, I NEEDED to feel connected with my body again. I needed to feel safe in my body and sensual and sexy. But no one was teaching trauma survivors how to feel sexy again - how to experience pleasure for both myself and with a partner. This week we are going to connect with your femininity - the deeply divine goddess within you who knows that it is safe and wonderful to feel sexy, to experience pleasure, and to be fully connected with your body. I will guide you through a Pelvic Bowl Healing meditation. You’ll define what it means to be feminine to you, and then you'll reconnect with your sensuality through practices like body love massage, sensual dance, and taking photos. You'll even learn how simply walking can be a powerful practice in reconnecting with your sensuality! You'll also receive a guided meditation to help you deepen your sensual connection with your partner.

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Section 2:

Release Your Bullshit Thoughts

You learn a lot from trauma - a lot of it is bullshit - such as negative beliefs, fears, insecurities. These things that we believe to be true will often continue to affect our lives without us even realizing it. So, it’s time to release that bullshit. We will be identifying the bullshit thoughts that developed as a result of the trauma you experienced. You will learn to release the bullshit and create new beliefs. Trauma can affect the way we view ourselves, others, and the world - and bullshit thoughts are a HUGE part of that. Once you’ve released the BS and created new beliefs, you’ll learn how to set new standards so that you can start manifesting the fulfilling interactions you want with yourself, others, and the world. 

Mountains Meet Lake

Section 5:

Get Back In Your Body

Dissociation is a powerful and effective survival tool during trauma, but how do you shut it off once you’re safe and away from the trauma? If you've experienced long-term trauma, dissociation probably became the norm for you. You may instinctively dissociate at any sign of discomfort or danger. Although this was an effective tool as a child, as an adult, away from the abuse, leaving your body the second you fear any type of discomfort prevents you from living a healthy life; it prevents you from experiencing uncomfortable emotions required to heal wounds, it keeps you from being present during beautiful life experiences, inhibits you from connecting with people you love, and it disallows you from being deeply in tune with yourself. This week, you are going to re-establish a deep, fulfilling connection between your mind and body. 


Section 8:

Stop Recreating

Your Past

“Why does this keep happening?!” Have you ever asked this question? Have you ever angry-cried in your car and cursed the Universe because the same things keep happening to you? You’re not going to be happy when I say this, but this keeps happening because you are creating it. 

You have attached a part of your identity to the trauma you experienced. As a result, you have come to accept certain truths about yourself, others, and your life based on that identity. Because of this, you constantly manifest the same patterns over and over again. This week, you are going to understand your comfort zone, identify what identity you’ve created based on the trauma you’ve experienced, get very real about what you want, and then learn to release old identities and patterns so that you can truly be you without attachments to trauma.

Plus Size Models

Bonus Tool:

Share Your Story

(When You're Ready)

I want to start by saying that you can share your story without ever telling anyone else. In fact, I encourage you to start by sharing your story not with anyone else, but with yourself. When you allow yourself to share your experiences out loud, you are declaring to yourself that your story isn’t something to be ashamed of, embarrassed by, or afraid of. Whether or not you feel ready to share your story with another person, my goal is that you feel more comfortable with your story.


This week, you’ll learn stools you can use to feel empowered before, during, and after sharing your story, including knowing your goal for sharing your story, knowing what you need from listeners and how to communicate those needs, navigating people’s reactions, and finding your anchor when experiencing the spectrum of emotions that can come from sharing your story. 


Section 3:

Get Cozy With

Your Voids

Did you know that you have voids as a result of not receiving something you needed at a certain time in your life? We all do. And we often instinctually spend our lives trying to fill those voids with other people, things, or even a bowl of ice cream. But none of those things seem to do the trick - because they can’t. No one and nothing outside of ourselves can ever fill our voids, and trying to do so will only ever manifest situations that tell us even more loudly that we need to go within and heal. This week, you are going to discover your voids. You are going to learn how you’ve tried to fill those voids outside of yourself, probably without even realizing you were doing so. Then, you are going to get real cozy with your voids. You are going to snuggle up with them and make them your best friends. You are going to learn what they need, how to love and heal them, and the superpowers that each of your voids actually hold.

Pillow Fight

Section 6:

Meet, Heal and Play With Your Past Selves

For a long time, my little girl selves were running my life - and I didn’t even know it. The scared little girls within me were making decisions in relationships, reacting when triggered, and choosing the places I worked. And because of this, I stayed small in all areas of my life. It wasn’t until I learned to meet, love, heal, and release my past selves that I was finally able to live my life and make decisions as the adult woman that I am. 

This week, you will find and save the past selves you may not have even known needed your help. You will heal your past selves by giving them the love and comfort you needed in certain moments but never received.

You will also meet and play with your past selves from the most joyful moments in your life. You will play with your past selves and learn how to recreate that play and joy in your adult life. 

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Section 9:

Release Unfiltered Rage Like A Freaking Goddess!

Have you gotten angry about it? That’s a question I have asked almost every one of my clients. And the answer is almost always, “No, because I’ve forgiven," or, “No, I don’t want to hold onto negative energy.” We often try to skip over anger and go straight to acceptance or forgiveness or even sadness, but then we get stuck and don’t understand why. It’s because feeling angry is an essential part of the healing journey.

Some of us believe that being angry about our experiences is unwarranted because the people in our lives who should have been angry for us never were. Some of us are afraid that if we do allow ourselves to get angry, we’ll be consumed by it and we won’t be able to shut it off. And some of us simply don’t know how to show anger because we’ve never seen it expressed in healthy ways. This week, we are going to learn FUN and healthy ways to unleash unfiltered rage like the Goddess you are!

What's Included?

I have always desired a community of people who have experienced things like I have to be able to share thoughts with, ask questions, or simply share my story with when I felt ready to do so. That is why I am not just giving you some techniques and hoping they'll resonate with you - I want to walk with you on your healing journey. In addition to this program, you’ll also receive:

  • Over 10 personal videos from me

  • Six guided meditations to help you connect deeper in practice

  • An eBook version of my book, Cake Pops and Coffee: A New Conversation About Trauma: How to Laugh, Cry, and Love Your Whole Story

  • A private Facebook group where you can share your experiences, ask questions, and connect with other members of the program.

What's The Investment?

(Currently 25% Off For A Limited Time)

A single, one-time payment of $250 (USD).



Your healing journey does not have to be surrounded by heaviness or focus only on your experiences of trauma. There is so much more to your story and you deserve a healing journey that reflects that!

This program is designed to help you laugh when you want to, cry when you need to, and fully love your story.

*Every student will receive a free eBook copy of my book, Cake Pops & Coffee: A New Conversation About Trauma

*Course also includes several guided meditations, personal videos from me, the option for 1:1 coaching, and all the support you need!

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